Nirmala Rao Dhanawada

Table of Contents

layout: cv title: About Nirmal email: url: text: homepage: url: text: Sydney, NSW country: url: text: ISO 3166 Country Code author: url: text: nimo-markdown-cv github: url: text: Github linkedin: url: text: LinkedIn twitter: url: text: Twitter Profile phone: url: tel:+61478864823 text: +61478864823 —

About Nirmala Rao Dhanawada

“Dhanawada” – a name that resonates with heritage and tradition. In Sanskrit, “Dhana” signifies wealth, not just in material but in knowledge, experience, and values. “Wada” often refers to a residence or dwelling. Together, “Dhanawada” symbolizes a place rich in history, knowledge, and legacy. Just as the name suggests, I aim to be a repository of knowledge, experience, and values in my professional journey.

“Dhanawada” – a name that resonates with heritage and tradition. In Sanskrit, “Dhana” signifies wealth, not just in material but in knowledge, experience, and values. “Wada” often refers to a residence or dwelling. Together, “Dhanawada” symbolizes a place rich in history, knowledge, and legacy.

In this academic sanctuary, delve into my research, musings, and endeavors as I navigate the vast ocean of knowledge. Bridging the past with the present, I aim to be a beacon for scholarly pursuits and academic collaborations. Welcome! I’m Nirmala Rao Dhanawada, and this is a space where I share information about my professional journey, interests, and collaborations. Explore the links to know more about me and my work.

University of Melbourne 2020.2 - 2021.12

Melbourne, AU

Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Pondicherry University 2011.08 - 2015.05

Pondicherry, IN

Technical Competencies


IT Solutions Analyst at MTC Australia 2022.02 - Present

Sydney, NSW

University Research Placement Student at Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research 2021.07 - 2021.10

Melbourne, AU

Senior Technology Analyst at Victoria’s Secret & Co. 2016.10 - 2020.2

Bangalore, IN

Assistant System Engineer at Tata Consultancy Services 2015.6 - 2016.10

Chennai, IN


Director of IT, Marketing and Communications at Teaching for Impact Currenty Serving

Melbourne, AU

Store Coordinator at Australian Red Cross 2021.01 - 2022.05

Melbourne, AU


Big Data Scalability, Methods and its Implications: A Survey of Current Practice [PDF]March 2015

Article No.: 56,ages 1–5

J. Amudhavel, D. Sathian, R. S. Raghav, About Nirmala Rao Dhanawada, P. Dhavachelvan, and K. Prem Kumar
ICARCSET ‘15: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering & Technology (ICARCSET 2015)


Independent Developer at SpinOnSubmitJS ProjectOngoing Project

A compact JavaScript library that enhances your form submit buttons with a visual loading spinner, providing immediate and intuitive feedback to users upon submission

Head of Technology Development at JMO CompanionOngoing Project

Dr. Winston Dzau, About Nirmala Rao Dhanawada and Dr. Victor Lin at Teaching for Impact
The JMO Companion App is a practical and accessible resource designed to address the challenges faced by junior doctors (JMOs) working in busy inpatient settings. Our app provides JMOs with optimized resources that are tailored to their needs, with a focus on pragmatic solutions that can be easily accessed and navigated

Resident ProfilesJune 2020

Sewwandi Perera, About Nirmala Rao Dhanawada and Daniel Gray at University of Melbourne
In Collaboration with the School of Design and Architecture, Swinburne University of Technology

Independent Developer at LiveValidateJS ProjectOngoing Project

LiveValidateJS is a lightweight open-source JavaScript library that provides real-time form validation and input checking for HTML forms. With LiveValidateJS, you can easily create custom validation rules for each input field and receive instant feedback on the input’s validity as the user types


Associate Membership at Australian Computer Society 2022.06 - Present

Member at University of Melbourne Student Union 2020.03-2021.12

Member, Candidate for GSA Board Membership at Graduate Student Association, The University of Melbourne 2020.03-2021.12